Why analysis is important
Technical analysis involves studying previous market data in an attempt to predict the direction of future share price movements. A good stock trading app will offer internal technical analysis, although you could decide to perform your own if you wish. Professional technical analysts are sometimes referred to as chartists, reflecting their use of charts which display intricate price and volume data to help identify patterns and trends.
The nextmarkets platform provides access to trading professionals who can help you develop strategies for identifying these trends. These charts may also indicate fluctuations in the market that help traders prepare for their next trade.
Fact Check
Would you like to find out how nextmarkets could help you to develop your trading strategies? Simply download our app for Android or iPhone. With a demo account, you’ll still have access to all of its powerful features. Here’s why you should consider us:
- The app is easy to use
- You’ll enjoy all the support and advice you need to make a profit
- You’ll receive around 200 coaching ideas each month
nextmarkets is the share trading account with a difference. Find out why today
Understanding trading terminology
If you’re a newcomer to nextmarkets, you may find yourself asking questions like “what are shares?” or “what are stocks?” If terms like short selling, binary options and futures have you feeling confused, you’ll likely benefit from a share trading account with a platform that offers tutorials, professional advice and free virtual currency to practice with. Beginners can rest assured that the nextmarkets app offers the following:
- Easy to understand, no-nonsense advice
- A helpful customer service team to help you understand all the terms
- Deposit protection and the latest cybersecurity measures
Did you know
We care about our customers at nextmarkets, which is why we offer competitive spreads and don’t charge commission. In addition to this, we also offer:
- Financial backing from the biggest names in the industry, like Peter Thiel
- Deposit protection up to £100,000 via the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)
- Flexible deposit and withdrawal options so you can do things your way
Want to find out more? Why not sign up to nextmarkets today and find out what all the fuss is about. Alternatively, get in touch with a member of our team to find out more about the platform UK traders are talking about.
Understanding the stop-loss principle
The strategies the professionals rely on take risks into account. If you don’t, then chances are you’ll lose more money than you can afford. This is where a stop-loss comes in. With shares, prices often look like they’re going in the direction you were hoping they would, but these prices can reverse at any given moment.
With a stop-loss, you’ll automatically exit the trade, incurring only a minimal loss if the asset doesn’t come through for you. Preservation typically makes more sense than going all-out. If you decide to adopt a riskier strategy, you should only do so occasionally, and never stake more than you can afford to lose. With access to the nextmarkets forum, professional traders share their winning strategies on the ideal stop-loss placements, which allow users to have a more clean-cut look at their trades.
Conclusion: why you should open a nextmarkets demo account
If you’re ready to open a share trading account, don’t miss out on the opportunity to try out the UK’s newest and most talked about platform for free – with £10,000 in virtual currency to practice with. Download nextmarkets today and change your life for the better. It’s the future of share trading, and you’re invited to be a part of it. Learn everything there is to know about the markets and kickstart your financial career for free with nextmarkets.